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Consultation for EMDR Certification

The process of becoming EMDR certified provides a wonderful opportunity for you to increase your knowledge and demonstrate an advanced level of competency in EMDR therapy. 


A complete list of requirements to become certified can be found on the EMDRIA website at under Training and Certification. Among the requirements are 20 hours of consultation. Ten of those hours can be through group consultation, and the remaining ten need to be individual. 


Consultation for certification differs somewhat from consultation required for Part1/Part 2 EMDR Basic Training. While you will have ample opportunity to ask questions and staff cases, as we move through the process there will be more emphasis on demonstrating your own understanding of case conceptualization from the AIP model. Our requirements for the individual hours of consultation for certification are as follows: 


  • You will need to provide a minimum of seven recorded sessions of EMDR therapy that we can view and discuss together during individual consultation. We will need to see enough recorded sessions to demonstrate all 8 phases of the protocol (i.e., history taking, preparation, reprocessing phases, closure, and re-evaluation in no particular order) across the three-pronged approach (i.e., past targets, present triggers, and future templates). The learning curve increases dramatically as we are able to identify strengths as well as correct any deficits in understanding of the model. We believe you will find this to be an invaluable opportunity for growth. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns about recording sessions, and we can discuss this in more detail. We have included a sample Authorization for Videotaping Session form below. You are welcome to use or adapt this form to meet your needs.


  • You will need to complete a Case Presentation for Certification form with one or more clients that we can review together. This will provide a thorough overview of each of the 8 phases of the EMDR standard protocol. The form can be found below.



Letter of Recommendation: You may receive consultation toward certification with as many consultants as you like; however, if you would like us to write a letter of recommendation, we do require at least six individual sessions so that we feel confident in your skill level. The letter of recommendation upon completion of the requirements is contingent on your ability to demonstrate proficiency in your practice of EMDR therapy, as outlined in the “Case Conceptualization and Standard Protocol Criteria for Certification.


Fee for Individual and Group Consultation for Certification: The fee for small group consultation is $125 per hour total divided among the members of the group. There can be up to 4 for 1 hour or 8 for two hours. You may put together your own small consultation group or ask to be added to one of our videoconference consultation notification email lists here.


The fee for individual consultation is $125 an hour. These can be scheduled at a time that is mutually convenient.

To schedule an individual consultation session with Leslie, click here.

To schedule an individual consultation session with Cindy, click here.


Please review the information in the forms below carefully before scheduling individual consultation.


Please contact us if you have any other questions or concerns. 


Authorization for Videotaping

Case Conceptualization and Standard Protocol Criteria

Case Presentation for Certification Form

Case Consultation for Certification

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